
Chancellor announces details on 3 percent raises

Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi has announced the campus will give 3 percent pay raises across the board to nonrepresented, career employees, with some exceptions, for 2014-15.

The raises will take effect July 1 for employees who are paid monthly, and June 22 for employees who are paid biweekly. Look for the additional money on your first paycheck after those dates.

The 3 percent raises come at an opportune time — considering employees will be contributing 1.5 percent more to the UC Retirement Plan starting the second half of this year.

“To keep the retirement plan strong, both UC and its employees will be contributing more,” Katehi said. “The pay raises we are giving will cover the cost of the increased employee contributions.”

The chancellor echoed UC President Janet Napolitano’s stated desire for more consistency and stability in pay practices.

Napolitano this year authorized 3 percent salary programs at each UC location, and gave each of them the discretion to choose how to allocate the available pool of money.

Katehi opted for 3 percent across the board for most nonrepresented employees, excluding development and alumni relations personnel, who have business plans with stated goals for fundraising and are compensated accordingly; and upper level management-leadership employees, who will participate in a pay-for-performance plan based on their performance in 2013-14.

However, make note of this: Next year, pay-for-performance will apply to all nonrepresented employees, for performance from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015.

The plan for this year

The 3 percent merit (performance-based) salary program applies to:

  • All SMG (Senior Management Group) members in accordance with the systemwide SMG Program
  • MSP (Management and Senior Professionals)-level direct reports of SMG members or deans
  • Assistant and associate vice chancellors
  • Assistant deans for administration
  • All development and alumni relations positions with business plans 

The “general” salary program (across-the-board, 3 percent raises) applies to:

  • PSS (Professional and Support Services) employees
  • Skilled-craft workers and police sergeants
  • MSPs except for those in the merit (performance-based) group above

Each eligible employee is subject to the following conditions:

  • Appraisal rating — You must achieve “meets expectations” or higher, or you will not get a raise.
  • Probation — You must have completed your six-month probationary status (thus, you will not receive a raise if you were hired on or after Jan. 1, 2014, because you will not have had enough time to complete probation by the time of the effective date of the raises.
  • Appointment type — You must be in a career appointment.
  • Salary range — Your pay cannot equal or exceed the maximum of your salary range. Note, however, that all ranges are being adjusted 3 percent higher to keep pace with changes in the labor market. So, if your pay today equals the maximum of your salary range, you will be eligible for a 3 percent raise, because your range is going up 3 percent. Or, if your pay is 1 percent higher than your maximum, you will receive a 2 percent raise.

Union-represented employees have their own wage and benefit agreements, as negotiated with the university.


(including on the Board of Regents’ decision last July to boost UC’s contribution to 14 percent (up from 12 percent) and employee contributions to 8 percent (up from 6.5 percent)


Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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