Dialogue and Discernment Content / Dialogue and Discernment Content for 鶹ý en Reaction to Hate Speech Should be ‘Good Speech,’ Experts Say /news/us-protects-free-speech-aggressively-experts-agree <p>The United States has the strongest protections for free speech of any country in the world, and with that comes distasteful speech. It’s up to us to counter that bad speech with good speech, constitutional law experts said at a campus forum last week.</p> <p>“Part of the reason we protect speech as aggressively as we do is that we trust ourselves,” said Alan Brownstein, a professor in the School of Law. “We trust the people to challenge evil messages, and we'd rather have the people doing that than the government doing that.”</p> May 09, 2017 - 10:00am Cody Kitaura /news/us-protects-free-speech-aggressively-experts-agree No Jousting, Just Dialogue and Discernment /news/no-jousting-just-dialogie-discernment <section class="wysiwyg-feature-block "> <h3 class="wysiwyg-feature-block__title">‘Science In a Post-Truth Era’</h3> <div class="wysiwyg-feature-block__body"> <p><a href="/news/scientists-seek-new-ways-connect-public">Read <em>Dateline 鶹ý</em> coverage of the first program in the Dialogue and Discernment series.</a></p> </div> </section> <p><em>Interim Chancellor Hexter gave the following remarks Feb. 22 in introducing the university’s new discussion series <a href="/dialogue/">Dialogue and Discernment</a>:</em></p> February 28, 2017 - 6:50pm Dave Jones /news/no-jousting-just-dialogie-discernment Scientists Seek New Ways to Connect With Public /news/science-0 <section class="wysiwyg-feature-block "> <h3 class="wysiwyg-feature-block__title">More Dialogue at 鶹ý</h3> <div class="wysiwyg-feature-block__body"> <p><strong><a href="http://dialogue.ucdavis.edu/">Dialogue and Discernment </a>—</strong> Interim Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter opened the Feb. 22 roundtable with <a href="/news/no-jousting-just-dialogue-discernment"><strong>remarks on the purpose of the new series</strong></a>, and announced that Professor Robert Ostertag will present the next program, Thursday, March 9.</p></div></section> February 28, 2017 - 2:27pm Dave Jones /news/science-0 Wednesday: ‘Science In a Post-Truth Era’ /news/wednesday-science-post-truth-era <p>鶹ý’ new <a href="http://dialogue.ucdavis.edu/">Dialogue and Discernment</a> series opens this Wednesday (Feb. 22) with a faculty roundtable on “Science In a Post-Truth Era,” exploring the growing marginalization and suppression of science by political and public leadership — and what can be done about it.</p> <p>The program is free and open to the public, 2 to 4 p.m. in the Vanderhoef Studio Theatre at the <a href="http://campusmap.ucdavis.edu/?b=106">Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts</a>.</p> February 22, 2017 - 10:14am Dave Jones /news/wednesday-science-post-truth-era Roundtable: ‘Science In a Post-Truth Era’ /news/roundtable-science-post-truth-era <p>A public roundtable with faculty is planned later this month on the topic of “Science In a Post-Truth Era,” exploring the growing marginalization and suppression of science by political and public leadership — and what can be done about it.</p> February 09, 2017 - 3:32pm Dave Jones /news/roundtable-science-post-truth-era