
222 set to join the Quarter Century Club

The Quarter Century Club’s annual dinner meeting later this month will bring the initiation of 222 new members who have completed 25 years of service to the university and recognition of 42 members who have reached the 50-year milestone.

If you do the math, that totals 7,650 years of dedication to 鶹ý. And that is not counting the years of service of 22 employees who were inadvertently overlooked when they became eligible for the Quarter Century Club five years ago, and who will be recognized and initiated at this year’s dinner.

See all the names below.

The celebration is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 28 in the Activities and Recreation Center Ballroom.

All employees, regardless of classification — staff, faculty and administrators (you might see a familiar name in the Vs) — who are identified by Human Resources as having been employed for 25 years receive an invitation to the event to share stories, renew acquaintances and be recognized and commended for their contributions to the campus.

Meeting organizers are encouraging all existing members and newcomers alike to attend this special evening. In fact, existing members are encouraged to invite a “newbie” to join them at the celebration.

Invitations have gone out to the entire membership, newcomers included. Reservations are due by Oct. 21.

For more information about the dinner, call Jean Wigglesworth, Ceremonies and Special Events, (530) 754-2011.

Barbara Anderson, a former editor of Dateline, has been a member of the Quarter Century Club since 2000 and volunteers on the Quarter Century Club committee.


Elizabeth Abart, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
Joseph Abril, Geology
Valerie Adame, PM&R Therapy Services, UCDHS
Craig Alder, Health Information Management, UCDHS
Wendell Alderson, SDSC Pre-OP Pacu, UCDMC
Janet Aldrich, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
Thomas Alexander, FM: Civil and Industrial Services
Mary Anderson, Academic Senate
Michael Anderson, Viticulture and Enology
James Arashiro, Pathology, UCDHS
Weston Arvin, Fire Department

Sylvia Baldwin, Technical Implementation, UCDHS
Mary Bankston, Financial Aid Office
Leticia Barba, ARM HR/Payroll Shared Services Center
Martha Barber, Opthalmology and Vision Science, UCDHS
Janice Barnett, Memorial Union
Peter Barry, Pathology and Center for Comparative Medicine, UCDMC
Denise Bartlett, Information and Communication Services, UCDHS
Steve Barzo, Military Science
Mike Bavister, Library
Solomon Bekele, Academic Senate
Alicia Bennett, Police Department, UCDHS
Alison Berry, Decision Support Services, UCDHS
Ginger Bertero, Pulmonary Services Lab, UCDHS
Linda Bisson, Viticulture and Enology
Myra Blanchard, VM: Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
James Boggan, Neurological Surgery, UCDMC
Jeanne Bonitz, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UCDHS
Michael Boyd, Facilities Administration, UCDHS
Sharon Boylan, Microbiology
Cris Breivik, L&S Dean's Office, HArCS
Edith Brennan, Information and Communication Services, UCDHS
Bradley Brinegar, FM: Solid Waste
John Brock, Radiology, UCDHS
Hilary Brodie, Med: Otolaryngology
Elaine Brown, Social Sciences Administration
Katherine Brown, Bodega Marine Laboratory
Randy Bruce, Primate Center
David Bunch, Graduate School of Management

Donna Carrasco, Offices of the Chancellor and Provost
Nikky Chahon, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Naresh Chandra, Environmental Services, UCDMC
Tsu-Shuan Chang, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mark Chapman, Library
Lisa Cherney, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
Kameron Chun, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Barbara Claire, Emergency Medicine, Academic Office, UCDHS
Joyce Clark, Med: Physiology and Membrane Biology
Bill Cooper, Office of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
Alan Covert, Bodega Marine Laboratory
Cheryl Covert, Foundation Plant Services

Kathryn Dagang, Pathology, UCDHS
William Dager, Department of Pharmacy, UCDHS
Isabel Darby, FM: Custodial Services
Pamela Davis, Education
Ralph deVere White, Cancer Center Administration and Urology, UCDHS
Marites Deguzman, California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory
Kathleen Dooley, Entomology
Patricia Doolin, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Cynthia Dufern, Voorhies Administrative Unit
Edwin Dunn, Student Housing
Richard Duplantier, Pathology, UCDHS
Julie Dyer, Pathology, UCDHS

Judith Edman, VM: Medicine and Epidemiology
Deborah Edwards, IET Data Center and Client Services
Karl Engelbach, University Relations: Government and Community Relations

Bryce Falk, Plant Pathology
Paul Fitzgerald, Med: Cell Biology and Human Anatomy
Michael Floyd, Radiology Diagnostic, UCDMC
Douglas Fowler, Professional Billing Group, UCDHS
Andrew Frank, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Marlisa Fua, Perioperative Services Administration, UCDHS
Charles Fuller, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior

Steve Galduroz, FM: Structural Systems
Matthew Gallagher, Foundation Plant Services
Regina Gandour-Edwards, Med: Pathology and Lab Medicine
Mary Gannon, Human Resources, UCDHS
Melvin Garcia, FM: Water and Gas
Beryl Gilbert, Pathology, UCDHS
John Gomez, FM: Grounds Services
Darlene Gonzales, Human Resources
Larry Gordon, Veterinary Genetics Lab
Mark Grismer, Land Air and Water Resources
Joyce Groen, Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, UCDHS
Elizabeth Grover, PCS Staffing and Bed Control, UCDMC

Mohamed Hafez, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Jacqueline Hale, Environmental Toxicology
Suzette Hale, Center for Health Care Policy and Research
Erik Hallen, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean's Office
Richard Hanley, Clinical Information Systems, UCDHS
John Harada, Plant Biology
Dana Harris, Outpatient Surgery Clinic, UCDHS
Jeannette Harrison, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
David Harry, Center for Health and Technology, UCDHS
Mark Hayden, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Sharon Hein, California Animal Health and Food Safety Lab
Anne Heinz, Ophthalmology and Vision Science, UCDHS
Carl Hermann, FM: Custodial Services
Jesse Hoadley, FM: Electrical Systems
Jeffery Hogan, Intercollegiate Athletics
Dok Hol, Memorial Union
James Hollister, Student Academic Success Center
Kevin Hollowell, FM: Renovation and Construction
Ted Howe, Pathology, UCDHS
Dusan Hutak, Family and Community Medicine, UCDHS
David Hwang, Engineering Applied Science
Bonnie Hyatt, Public Affairs and Marketing, UCDHS

Edward Imwinkelried, School of Law Dean's Office
Rie Ishii, Food Science and Technology

Naomi Janowitz, Religious Studies
Brigid Jimenez, School of Law Dean's Office
Marcos Jimenez, Analytical Lab

Thomas Kaiser, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean's Office
Shirley Karle, Internal Medicine Clinics, UCDHS
Fredna Karneges, Human Resources
M. Levent Kavvas, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ellen Kissinger, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Mark Kittleson, VM: Medicine and Epidemiology
David Klippert, FM: Civil and Industrial Services
Marsha Koopman, Epidemiology and Infection Control, UCDHS
Robert Kornelly, FM: Structural Systems
Marcia Kreith, Agricultural Issues Center
Anna Kuhn, Women's Studies

Steven Lampman, VM: Center for Lab Animal Science
William Lawrence, A&PS Administration, UCDMC
Nancy Lewis, Pediatric Infusion Center, UCDMC
Heiner Lieth, Plant Sciences
Keen Ming Ling, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Rebecca Llano, UCDMG-Plastic Surgery Clinic, UCDHS
Margaret Loesch, Financial Clearance, UCDHS
Kathleen Lorenzato, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Elizabeth Lorenzen, Land Air and Water Resources
Pamela Lowart, Med: Cell Biology and Human Anatomy
Raymond Lucas, ANR Communications Services
Debra Lyon, History

Laree Maguire, Bodega Marine Laboratory
Sherry Mancilla, Purchasing
Guy Martin, VM: Center for Lab Animal Science
Michael McCarthy, Food Science and Technology
Cheryl McCurdy, Technical Support Services, UCDHS
Karen McDonald, Engineering Dean's Office
Sharon McKee, Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, UCDHS
William McLean, Comparative Literature
Laurie Mello, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
Christie Mendes, University Extension
Monica Mijangos, Purchasing
Jeffrey Mobley, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Margaret Moncada, Pediatric Ambulatory Services, UCDHS
Kathryn Mongeau, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Lara Moser, Med: Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

Cheryl Nelson, Continuing Medical Education, UCDHS
Debra Nelson, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
Douglas Nelson, Microbiology
Kelly Nimtz, VM: Dean's Office

Sally Olivares, Evolution and Ecology

Daniel Paez, Human Resources, UCDHS
Michael Pagani, IET Communications Resources
Debra Patterson, Office of Medical Education, UCDHS
Edgar Perez, Plant Operations and Maintenance, UCDHS
Kimberly Perez, Managed Care Operations, UCDHS
Michael Poe, ANR Communication Services
Jagdish Prasad, Environmental Services, UCDMC
Lucy Puls, Art

Patricia Ramos, Student Academic Success Center
Ashok Rattan, Central Processing, UCDMC
Cheryl Raymaker, Vascular Lab, UCDHS
Elizabeth Reay, California Animal Health and Food Safety Lab
Martin Redlich, IET Communications Resources
Sylvia Reyes-West, Managed Care Operations, UCDHS
Christopher Reynolds, Music
Mark Rice, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Deborah Roberts, University Extension
Bruce Rodello, Primate Center
Theodore Rogers, Environmental Services, UCDMC
George Roussas, Statistics

Jamila Sahakian, IET Application Development
Christine Scarlett, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
Gerald Schepens, FM: Waste Water Treatment Plant
Yvonne Schwartz, Home Care Services, UCDHS
Craig Senders, Med: Otolaryngology
Richard Sexton, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Kenneth Shackel, Plant Sciences
Dawne Shell, College of Biological Sciences Deans Office
Sara Shersta, FM: Custodial Services
Ronald Shoemaker, FM: Power and Lights
Gloria Shuler, VP-Information and Educational Technology
Steven T. Silva,
Plant Sciences
Lois Silvernail, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Michael Singer, Med: Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Andrew Singh, Environmental Services, UCDMC
Balram Singh, Environmental Services, UCDMC
Susanne Small, Clinical Case Management, UCDHS
Darrell Smith, Operating Room, UCDMC
Mae Soo Hoo, Pathology, UCDHS
Eteica Spencer, History
John Spurr, VP-Informational and Educational Technology
Kathleen Spurr, VM: Dean's Office
David Stiles, Fire Department
David Stoker, Cancer Center Administration, UCDHS
Anthony Stone, Med: Urology

Fern Tablin, VM: Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology
Carlton Tandy, FM: Swing Building Maintenance
Kurt Thieman, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Angelito Tolentino, Architects and Engineers

Cornelis Van Dam, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Mark Van De Water, Crocker Nuclear Lab
Joel Van Eenennaam, Animal Science
Larry Vanderhoef, Chancellor Emeritus
Beatris Vidales, Parking Services
Andrea Villanueva, Bookstore
Michelle Villanueva, California Animal Health and Food Safety Lab

Kathleen Ward, Linguistics
Dawn Whitaker, Employee Benefits
Sandra Willard, ANR Communication Services
Harold Williams, Environmental Services, UCDMC
Irma Williams, Environmental Services, UCDMC
Michael Winter, Library
Jeanine Wolf, Patient Care Services Departments, UCDHS
Cheryl Wraa, Trauma Program, UCDHS

John Yoder, Plant Sciences
Ronda Yount, Perioperative Services SDSC, UCDHS

Paul Zindel, Library


(overlooked in 2005)

Timothy Albertson, Med: Division of Internal Medicine
Evangeline Amarillas, Personnel, UCDMC
C. Christopher Calvert, Animal Science
Earl Carstens, Neurology, Physiology and Behavior
James Case, California Animal Health and Food Safety Lab
Peter Dale, English
James Goodnight, Med: Surgery
Fredric Gorin, Med: Neurology
William Hoch, 鶹ý Medical Group-Roseville
Margaret Johns, School of Law Dean’s Office
Kenneth Joy, Engineering Computer Science

Joseph Kiskis, Physics
Mark Mannis, Med: Ophthalmology
Michael Mount, VM: Molecular Biology Sciences
William Reisen, VM: Vector-Born Disease Research
Victoria Rivers, Design Program
David Rocke, Public Health Sciences
Jeffrey Ruda, Art
Peter Schiffman, Geology
Richard Snyder, Land, Air and Water Resources
Nancy True, Chemistry
Suzanne Williams, Physical Education Program


Fredonia Archie, Operating Room, UCDMC
Dwire Armitage, Repro Graphics
Geraldine Baker, American Studies
Grace Barrera, Plant Operations and Maintenance, UCDMC
Donald Bath, Cooperative Extension
Bob Beasley, Physical Education
Roosevelt Beatty, Housekeeping, UCDMC
Robert Campbell, Plant Pathology
Aileen Casillas, Operating Room, UCDMC
Juan Castro, Imperial Valley Agricultural Center
William Coulombe, Physical Plant
Betty Draughn, Purchasing
Benjamin Duncan, Housekeeping, UCDMC

Frances Gittinger, Repro Graphics
John Hardie, Campus Development
Joe Hernandez, Housekeeping, UCDMC
Shirley Humphrey, Cooperative Extension
David Jacobson, History
Vernon Jensen, Pharmacy, UCDMC
Joseph Keehn, Physical Plant
Robert Kincheloe, Physical Plant
Marvin Kinsey, Entomology
Richard Knapp, Bookstore
Kurt Kreith, Mathematics
Laura Lehman, Cashier's Office, UCDMC
Francis Lile, Hopland Field Station
Marshall Livingstone, Plant Operations and Maintenance, UCDMC
Ysidero Lucero, Vegetable Crops

Gene Mayer, Cooperative Extension
George Medrano, Physical Plant
David Miller, Physical Plant
Edward Olsson, Pomology
David Osuga, Food Science and Technology
David Ramos, Cooperative Extension
Matthew Rocha, Avian Sciences
Margaret Salm, Undergraduate Admissions
Ann Takeda, Emergency, UCDMC
Wayne Thiebaud, Art
Alfred Wilson, Food Science and Technology
Iris Wilson, Nursing, UCDMC
Mildred Wilson, Housekeeping, UCDMC
Barbara Zahn, Registrar's Office


Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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