

Author Urrea and The Devil's Highway book cover
The author and his book

This year's Campus Community Book Project is The Devil's Highway: A True Story by Luis Alberto Urrea. All events are open to the public, and all except the author's Nov. 28 evening talk are free. The book project is sponsored by the Office of Campus Community Relations.

Oct. 19 — Border Control: A Photo Essay, Francisco J. Dominguez, 12:10-1:30 p.m., MUII, Memorial Union.

Oct. 22 — The Impact of Immigrants on U.S. Labor Markets: How Do Economists Agree and Disagree? Giovanni Peri, economics. 12:10-1:30 p.m., MUII.

Oct. 23 — Negotiation and Change: Labor, Politics and Culture in Early 20th-Century American Immigrant Communities, Eric Rauchway, history, and Candace Falk, editor, Emma Goldman Papers Project, UC Berkeley. 12:15-1:30 p.m., 2203 Social Sciences and Humanities Building.

Oct. 24 — Why Do We Blame Immigrants ... for Everything? Borders, Racism, Capitalism and the War on Terror. Panel: Riché Richardson, English; Amagda Perez, Immigration Law Clinic; and Kelly Lytle Hernandez, history, UCLA. Moderator: Kevin Johnson, law. 5:30-7 p.m., MUII.

Oct. 25 — Immigrant and Refugee Leadership and Environmental Justice. Panel: Raoul Liévanos, sociology, Environmental Justice Project, John Muir Institute of the Environment and Center for the Study of Regional Change; Susana De Anda, Community Water Center; and Torm Nompraseurt, Asian Pacific Environmental Network. Moderator: Julie Sze, Environmental Justice Project, John Muir Institute of the Environment. 3:10-5 p.m., MUII.

Ongoing photo exhibits

The Immigrants' Rights Movement, first floor, Shields Library, through Dec. 7, and "Border Control," Pence Gallery, 212 D St., Davis, through Nov. 28. Both feature Francisco J. Dominguez's work.

Author's visit

Nov. 28 — Panel discussion on immigration policy and enforcement. Set to join Urrea are Miroslava Chavez-Garcia, professor, Chicana/o Studies; Philip Martin, professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics; Julia Mendoza, School of Law's Immigration Clinic; and Ralph Ogden, sheriff, Yuma County, Ariz. 4-5:15 p.m., Jackson Hall, Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts. Free.

Nov. 28 — Author's talk, 8-9:30 p.m., Jackson Hall. Tickets required; they are available for purchase through the Mondavi Center box office, (530) 754-2787 or (866) 754-2787, or . Book signing scheduled from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m.

Complete schedule

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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