
Recruitment advisers listed for 4 administrative posts

Chancellor Linda Katehi has appointed four recruitment advisory committees for four key administrative posts.

The nationwide recruitments are for provost and executive vice chancellor (to replace Enrique Lavernia), university librarian (to replace Marilyn Sharrow), vice chancellor of the Office of Research (to replace Barry Klein) and executive director of the comprehensive campaign (new position).

Lavernia and Klein are stepping down, Lavernia to return to his post as dean of the College of Engineering and Klein to his position as a professor of physics. Sharrow is retiring, effective March 1.

The recruitment advisory committees comprise representatives from all campus constituencies, and each has a faculty co-chair:

Provost and executive vice chancellor 鈥 Chair: Neal Van Alfen, dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Co-chair: Robert Powell, professor and chair, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and chair, Academic Senate.

Vice chancellor, Office of Research 鈥 Chair: Claire Pomeroy, vice chancellor, Human Health Sciences, and dean, School of Medicine. Co-chair: Carlito Lebrilla, professor, chemistry.

University librarian 鈥 Chair: Harold Levine, dean, School of Education. Co-chair: Andrew Waldron, professor, mathematics.

Executive director, comprehensive campaign 鈥 Chair: Beverly 鈥淏abs鈥 Sandeen, vice chancellor, University Relations. Co-chair: Pablo Ortiz, professor, music.

The rosters for the recruit-ment advisory committees can be found on the campus鈥檚 new Executive Recruitments 2010 Web site: .

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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